One of the first steps in developing a marketing plan is to decide the type of companies you want to focus on. Here are some Reasons Why Franchisees Make Good B2B Prospects
5 Reasons Why Franchisees Make Good B2B Prospects
They need goods and services just like the rest of us. Here are 5 reasons you should consider directing your sales and marketing efforts toward franchise owners.
1. Most franchisees are small to medium-sized businesses which makes the decision-makers more accessible.
They are entrepreneurs and have demonstrated that they want to have the independence of owning and running their own business. It is easier to reach the decision-maker because they have fewer levels of gatekeepers.
2. Have the support from the corporate which gives them a better chance of success
Successful businesses are more ready, willing, and able to make purchases to support their business.
3. Franchise business owners have the independence to make purchase decisions of most non-core goods and services
You won’t be selling sugar glaze to the Krispy Kreme franchise, but you could have good luck selling them financial services, cleaning products, technology, or office supplies.
4. Many franchisees own multiple locations
One contact can help you to supply several stores. We all know how this can save time and money for your marketing efforts.
5. Franchisees can be a great source for referrals
We all love referrals. Franchisees have close links with other owners and an incentive for everyone to succeed. Once you have put in the effort to land one franchisee, you can get an “in” with additional owners with the same business model.
These are the major Reasons Why Franchisees Make Good B2B Prospects from ListAbility.