Boat Owners Mailing List
Direct mail offers a unique platform for brands to reach qualified boat owners. It leverages a guaranteed way to get your branding or offer in front of potential customers, meaning that your mailing list will see significantly higher results because you will have their undivided attention. Direct mail is pricey and requires patience, but businesses with large LTVs can easily see multiple return on investment from this marketing platform. With our experience and expertise, we can execute digital advertising campaigns alongside direct mail, in order to provide the absolute best ROI for boat enthusiasts.
Directly Rewritten:
Some businesses need a more precise targeting system than standard Google ad words or Facebook ads can offer. Let’s speak more specifically about using ad networks as well as offline strategies like direct mail to reach the right audience.
QUALITY: With all boat owner mailing lists, they are updated on a monthly basis. We guarantee a 95% deliverable rate with our boating mailing list … and in the case that it’s anything less than 95%, will stand behind you on the quality of our list.
Qualifiers: Want to target a specific type of boat owner? We offer a wide selection of watercraft and boater demographics. In fact, we’ll provide you with your ideal list, customized for your business. Simply enter your preferences in the box at the top of this page and click “Customize List”.
QUANTITY: We can provide you with the most boat and watercraft owners … because we compile from more than just boat registration data.
- Registered watercraft owners: 7,317,178 approximately
- Unregistered watercraft owners: 13,719,910 approximately
Bass Fishing Boat Owners
Boat Trailer Owners
Canoe Owners
Coastal/Off-shore Fishing Boat Owners
Deck Boat Owners
Ferry Boat Owners
House Boat Owners
Inland Fishing Boat Owners
Jet Ski Owners
Kayak Owners
Muscle / Speed Boat Owners
Pontoon Boat Owners
Powerboat Owners
Racing Boat Owners
Sailboat Owners
Water-ski Boat Owners
Wood Boat Owners
Yacht Owners
Age of Boat (antique boat owners, new boat owners)
Boat Title Year
Corporate Boat Owners
Hull Builder (Tanzer, Sea Ray, etc.)
Length of Boat (owners of 20+ feet boats)
Type of Boat (Sail Boat Owners, Yacht owners, etc)
Type of Hull (Aluminum, Fiberglass,etc)
Use of Boat (Pleasure, Business, Fishing, etc)
Year Boat Manufactured
Age (age 65+ seniors boat owners, young adult boat owners, etc)
Income (i.e., rich boat owners, $100,000+ income)
Ethnicity (i.e., Hispanic boat owners)
Home Equity (i.e., boat owners with $500,000+ in home equity)
Credit Score (i.e., boat owners with credit score of 700+)
Net Worth (i.e., very affluent boat owners – net worth $2,000,000+)
Lifestyle (i.e., boat owners that play golf, boat owners that own real estate investment property, etc)
Through our very extensive boating compilation sources, we have collected over 2,000,000 boat owner phone numbers … that are NOT on the Do-Not-Call (DNC) list. The boater telemarketing list can include a corresponding boater direct mail address.
A study sponsored by the USGC (United States Coast Guard) show that each year 17,000,000+ Americans rent or borrow a boat. These boating enthusiasts are perfect for new boat owner offers and/or boating travel offers. So, how do we create a potential new boat owner lead list? Cloning is the answer. Through lifestyle and demographic modeling of our boat owner lists, we generated a profile of the average boat owner … and then used this custom demographic – lifestyle profile to identify potential boat owners.
People With Waterfront Property
This custom mailing list of waterfront property owners consist of people that have direct access to the ocean or great lakes. Some of our clients supplement our boating mailing list with this custom mailing list … thus increasing their sales potential.
Quantity = 1,158,000
Blue Water Sailing Magazine Subscribers: 38,000
Subscribers and expires to a magazine about sailing in open water.
95% male; average age 51.
Boating Magazine Subscribers: 128,000
Subscribers to a magazine written for the informed boat owner or boating enthusiast; email addresses also available with this boater mailing list.
Boating World Magazine Subscribers: 63,000
Magazine dedicated to recreational boaters, water sports enthusiasts, fishing fanatics.
Buyers of videos on power boating, navigation, scuba diving, sailing, etc. 128,000
Cruising World Magazine Subscribers: 127,000
This boating mailing list consist of dedicated sailors who explore the world’s coastlines and oceans while cruising under sale.
Power & Motor Yacht Magazine Subscribers: 129,000
Subscribers to a magazine for owners of powerboats 24 feet and larger.
73% male, 4% female; average age 53.
Sailing World Subscribers: 32,000
This popular boater mailing list consists of experienced sailors who participate in boat racing and performance sailing. 75% male, 11% female; average age 48.
Sea Magazine Subscribers: 26,000
Magazine about boating trends, new boat and equipment reports and new products for boaters in the West.
Show Boats International Subscribers – Publication dedicated to luxury yacht owners; 36,000
United States Sailing Association: 39,000
Wooden Boat Magazine Subscribers: 29,000
Yachting Magazine Subscribers: 59,000
Power Cruising Magazine Subscribers (24,000)
Subscribers to and expires of a publication that speaks to the owners of motor yachts, express cruisers, trailers and lobster-type boats to celebrate the power-cruising lifestyle.
Ready to Build Your Mailing List?
When you’re ready to build your mailing list, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, clearly state your mailing list’s purpose. Second, make sure your list is relevant to your target audience. Third, ensure you provide valuable content and frequently engage with your list members. Fourth, be creative with your marketing materials and keep them fresh. Finally, ensure you manage your mailing list carefully – if it’s not profitable for you, it may not be worthwhile for your list members.
This database allows you to reach one of the most Complete listings of Boat Owners Mailing List on the market.

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