Direct Mail is Highly Effective For Back-to-School Promotions

This is the season for families to prepare for the new school year and that means shopping and spending money! Now there is a chance for Direct Mail is Highly Effective For Back-to-School Promotions

According to the National Retail Federation, back to school is the second-biggest shopping season after the winter holidays.

Don’t miss the opportunity to promote your business with targeted direct marketing

Retailers need to execute smart marketing strategies to capture their fair share of the nearly $690 spent by the average family on their children’s school gear. Direct mail, targeted to families with school-aged children, is highly effective. Coupons, special offers, and information about products and services can be delivered right to their doorstep.

The new school year offers a fresh start – and families help by sending their students off with a wide range of new clothes, school supplies, and electronics. In addition, they spend on a wide range of sporting goods and services like haircuts. The college-bound families shop to spiff up dorm rooms and student apartments.

Parents also plan ahead for other less traditional services for the coming school year. These can include tutoring, college prep, after-school programs, and private coaches.

When using targeted direct mail marketing, retailers and service providers can deliver postcards, flyers, and brochures into the homes of their best potential clients. Targeted mailing lists can be pulled based on children’s age, household income, and many more demographics.

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates the total population of kids and adults in school at 79 million – roughly one-quarter of the total population. You have a lot of options when you pull a mail list – to either cast a broad net, or focus on families with specific characteristics.

The shopping season doesn’t end in August and September on the first day of school! Many families are spreading out some of their purchase decisions.  You should plan to extend direct mail marketing into the fall, especially for clothing, technology, and services.

ListAbility’s Family Masterfile Mailing List has selection criteria that you can use to truly focus your mailing – ensuring that you get your best return on your investment.

ListAbility is a mailing list broker with the expertise and quality data to guide you through the process of obtaining a highly targeted mailing list. A better list will pay dividends with the savings you garner in printing and postage – to say nothing of getting noticed by the right people!

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