With a Length of Residence Mailing List at your disposal, you could reach millions of homeowners and renters scattered across the USA. The mailing list is ranked based on the amount of time they have spent in their current home. You could also narrow down the list by how much they earn, marital status, etc.
Length of Residence Mailing List—What is it?
It is a marketing list containing the names and addresses of people living or who have lived in their homes for a specific time.
A mailing list can contain “All Households” present in an area. It can also contain a list of people who have lived in that area based on the number of years. For example;
- 0-1
- 1-2
- 2-3
- 3-4
- 4-5
- 5-6
- 6-7
- 7-8
- 8-9
- 9-10
- 10-11
- 11-12
- 12-13
- 13-14
- 14-15
- 15+
Types of businesses that benefit from purchasing a Length of Residence Mailing List
The businesses or professionals who benefit from purchasing a Length of Residence Mailing List includes;
- Janitors
- Furniture stores
- Interior designers
- House cleaners
- Restaurants
- Chefs
- Security system
- Dentists
- Doctors
- Churches
- Plumbers
- Handymen
- Gardeners
- Trimmers
- Painters
Can you know how long someone has lived in their home?
The short answer is yes. The mailing list is usually compiled from multiple sources, from self-reported information, questionnaires, utility transactions, titles, etc.
Is your Length of Residence Mailing List accurate? If yes, how accurate?
Our mailing lists generally are accurate. Particularly, our Length of Residence Mailing List is almost close to perfection, coming short of 100% by only 5%.
Information Contained in a Length of Residence Mailing List
- First Name
- Last Name
- Mailing Address
- Length of Residence in Years
- Other demographics
Format of the mailing list
It comes in two formats: Excel / CSV file
PDF Mailing Label Format (makes it quick and easy for you to print mailing address labels at home or in the office)
How do I get a Length of Residence Mailing List?
It’s available here on our website. You could also talk to our List Specialist over the phone. It takes less than 5 minutes to get your Mailing List up and running.
Get a Mailing List online now, or
- Call us (888) 905-2659
[Q] Is it possible to know how long people have lived in their homes?
[A] Yes, it is possible. Once downloaded and accessed from your computer, the CSV file will show a column for the number of years a particular household has lived in their home. On the out count result page, you can then preview the list.
[Q] Is it possible to get a combo of residence lists for renters and homeowners?
[A]Yes, it is possible.
[Q] Is it possible to target people who have only spent a few months in their homes?
[A]Yes, it is possible. Once you access the file, in the length of residence select box, click on 0-1.
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