If you currently own a business, you have to up your game. This article will present the top 8 Mailing List Services that will help skyrocket sales and keep your business above your competitors.
Top Mailing List Services:
Direct Mailing Lists
Direct Mailing Lists are first on the list for a reason. First of all, Direct Mailing Lists contains the list of almost all new customers in the marketplace, including people who may likely need your products or services.
Another outstanding feature of the Direct Mailing Lists is it doesn’t only have a list of potential new customers. It also contains some information about them such as name and address. This makes your mailing list targeted and not just some random information.
Armed with this information, generating new leads and turning them into sales becomes quite easy. To put it in simpler terms, Direct Mailing Lists make a paying customer out of every new prospect.
Direct Mail
Direct Mail may be old, but it’s still unique and has a success rate. You are given the leverage of designing your campaign and sending it as you wish. But, your direct mailing list must be quality and up-to-date.
With Direct Mail, you could attract new prospects with your offers and at the same time maintain an old-time bond with your old customers, advertise business events, and increase traffic to your website.
We will be glad to help you with your next Direct Mail campaign!
Mailing Labels
Mailing Labels help save time and make your work appear professional while you handle it yourself at the same time. For example, you must not necessarily use Direct Mail to design and mail your design campaign. Mailing Labels could come in handy at such times.
Email Lists
Email lists are comprehensive marketing lists that contain vital information on the people and businesses in your area. Vital information such as names, homes, and email addresses. Email Lists come in handy when you want to advertise an event, increase traffic to your website, or make connections with new customers. Need help?
Email Marketing
Email Marketing has a few similarities with Direct Mail. It helps you create new connections with potential customers. It also boosts sales faster than you can imagine.
However, the key difference is that, unlike direct mail, Email Marketing is easy and affordable to design.
Clone My List of Customers
Clone My List of Customers works best when you have a certain class of customers and want to add to their numbers. It will help clone them. This is made possible through a special analytics program that helps identify similarities in customers taking cognizance of demographics and interests in place.
Imagine you have married homeowners as customers with annual income running into $100,000. The app helps you find other people just like them. Contact us for more info.
Add Information to Your List (Append)
Imagine you already have a mailing list of all your customers, and you want to acquire more info about them; Append will help you with that. The most common help Append renders to its customers is adding Email addresses to the already provided information. This feature alone boosts sales and conversion rates.
Cleaning & Updating Your List
Every month, almost 5% of households move out to new areas. This explains why it’s recommended that you apply the 3-month-rule of not cleaning your mailing list but also updating it. You may find yourself in a tragic situation of getting returned mails from outdated mailing lists because the residents are no longer in their old residual address.
As a rule of thumb, ensure you update your mailing lists every month and every 3 months. Never forget to clean and update your direct mailing lists.
Contact Us or Call Us on (888) 905-2659 for more information on how to clean and update your list. We will be glad to help you!
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