There are tons of nursing professionals in the USA, ranging from Licensed Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses, Masters of Science in Nursing to Certified Nurse Assistants. You can get a Nurse Mailing List and start connecting with them today!
Type of Nurses to search for
There is a mailing list of “All Nurses” available. But, we could also help you search for nurses based on specialty. The common nurses people search for include:
- Registered Nurses (RNs)
- Certified Nurse Assistants (CNAs)
- Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)
- Masters of Science in Nursing (MSNs)
Is it possible to access both nurses’ home and work addresses?
Yes, it is possible. We can provide you with both the home and work addresses of nurses.
Information contained in the Nurse Mailing List
Nurses’ Full Name Specialty Street Address City County Zip Code State Age License Year
Types of businesses that can benefit from marketing to Nurses
Businesses that offer medical-related products and services that benefit from using Nurse Mailing List include;
- Nursing Educational Programs
- Nursing Homes
- Assisted Living Facilities
- Recruiters Medical Uniform and Scrubs Companies
- Hospitals
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Medical Device Companies
Nurse Mailing Lists are important for nursing educational institutions. Here’s why
Most licensed and registered often want to earn a higher degree and become clinical specialists, anesthetists, etc. Universities and medical colleges will find this Nurse Mailing List as a tool to advertise their nursing programs.
Is it possible to know if someone is a nurse?
Yes, it is possible. When it comes to sourcing for information, we are very meticulous. Our data is compiled from State License, which is obtained from a specialty Healthcare Professional Database. When you patronize Listability, be rest assured you are dealing with the best of the best.
Why you should patronize ListAbility
- We are accurate.
- We deliver on time.
- Our database is cleaned and updated monthly.
- We have helped many businesses increase their reach and boost sales.
There’s a Doctor Mailing List available if you are a doctor.
Nurse Mailing List FAQs
[Q] Is it possible to get the home addresses of nurses?
[A]Yes, it is possible. We can also provide a business address for you.
[Q] Is it possible to get a list of nurse specialists?
[A]Yes, it is possible. Call us on (888) 905-2659 for more information.
[Q] Is it possible to get a mailing list of nurses with specific academic qualifications?
[A] Yes, it is possible.
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