The past several years has seen a contraction in the printing industry. As a result, many printing companies decided to add mail services for their clients, either in-house or contracted.
Mail can provide an important revenue stream for the print industry
Over and over we hear owners of printing companies say: “Over the past several years, my clients have been supplying their own mailing list. We just do the mailing”. It’s true, when budgets got tight, many companies started to focus only on their in-house data. By now, some of those customer lists are getting pretty tired and the effectiveness could be falling (commonly called list fatigue).
Before your mail clients simply decide to stop mailing all together (and you lose both the print and mail-related revenues), make suggestions to improve results.
Be proactive: make suggestions for mail campaigns to target NEW prospects
Prospecting campaigns can be planned around specific groups based on economic and demographic targets. Going beyond that, there are many possibilities for special interests, spending habits, political, charitable donors, automotive, home and mortgage, and so much more.
How about proposing birthday promotion mail campaigns to your client?
Everyone loves a birthday present and this can be a terrific way to build a monthly program for just about any type of client. Present this to restaurants, car washes, salons or just about any consumer services company.
Are you working with any insurance companies?
Suggest that they start mailing to prospects just before their car insurance is set to renew. Same thing will work with homeowner policies.
Are clients telling you that they are going to put more of their marketing budget on some of the newer online mediums?
With the right targeting, direct mail can actually support these mediums. One example would be mailing to people with a lot of friends on Facebook with a special offer if they visit their page.
ListAbility’s professional Mailing List Brokers can help you with direct mail promotion ideas that you can use to propose new projects to your existing clients and new prospects. Our marketing lists are highly accurate and we have the technology to easily explore various strategies for targeting. Get in touch today at 866-446-2055 or info@listability.com