With a Renters Mailing List, you could reach renters spread across the USA. Businesses that live close to renters include retail stores, home services, restaurants, home delivery services, etc.
Renters Mailing List—What is it?
It is a marketing list that contains the names and addresses of people renting a space. It is common knowledge that renters buy products and services from businesses around or businesses close to their homes. Our job at Listability is to help you target a particular group of renters by narrowing the search to your specifications.
Types of Businesses that benefit from marketing to Renters
Below are examples of businesses that could benefit from targeting Renters:
- Cleaning services
- Gyms
- Churches
- Sports Teams
- Restaurants
- Doctors
- Dentists
- Maid services
- Security Systems
- Renters Insurance
Geographical areas you could target
You could target specific geographical based on:
- States
- Counties
- Cities
- Zip Codes
Is it possible to get a mailing list of Renters who live at specific buildings?
Yes, it is possible. Mailing lists can be tailored to target specific buildings or apartments.
For more information, click here.
Is it possible to add other criteria to make my mailing list more targeted?
Yes, it is possible. Other criteria include the following:
- Income of the renter
- Gender of the renter
- Marital Status of the renter
- Age of the Renter
- Families with Children
- Length of Residence
- Interests & Hobbies of the renter
And lots more.
Number of renters in the USA
Research shows there are over 43 million renters in the USA. You can find out how many renters are in your area.
Format of the mailing list
The mailing list comes in 2 formats:
- Excel / CSV file &
- PDF Mailing Label Format
Can I see a Sample Mailing List?
To request a sample, email us.
How do I get a Mailing List?
You can get a mailing list on our website or call us on (888) 905-2659. It takes less than 5 minutes to get a Mailing List up and running.
Renters Mailing List FAQs
[Q] Is it possible to get only a renters mailing list?
[A] Yes, it is possible.
[Q] Is it possible to get a mailing list of renters in a specific building?
[A]Yes, it is possible. Call us on (888) 905-2659, and our specialty researchers will be glad to help you.
[Q] Is it possible to get a mailing list of only renters who are self-employed?
[A] Yes, it is possible. On the demography page, select renters and renters occupation.
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