Charitable Donors and Contributors Mailing List
Our Charitable Donors and Contributors Mailing List are proven donors who have contributed to one or more causes within the past 2 years. Donation types can be combined. This file has been enhanced with many self-reported interests as well, including pet owners, Christian families, outdoor activities, travel, and more.
Charitable Giving Score can be used to identify the best prospective donors and provide insight on the relative amount that they are likely to give. Donors scoring in the top 10% traditionally contribute up to 77% more than the average gift amount.
Can I filter the Charitable Donors and Contributors Mailing List by location?
Yes. You can filter by:
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53,983,800 | Donors in past 2 years | $45.00 |
Price includes general donors or one specific type. Additional are $7/1000
7,848,400 | Animal Welfare | 43,142,000 | Political, General |
716,000 | Cultural and Artistic | 480,200 | Political -Conservative |
9,641,100 | Children’s Causes | 346,300 | Political – Liberal |
9,767,700 | Environmental or Wildlife | 12,184,900 | Religious Causes |
18,605,600 | Health Related | 7,363,100 | Veterans Causes |
252,400 | International Aid |
Price per 1000
Order Minimum: $125
A Partial Listing of Demographic Selections
$/1000 | Select | $/1000 | Select |
$12.00 | Charitable Giving Score | $2.50 | Income |
$2.50 | Children’s Age Ranges | $7.00 | Special Interests |
$10.00 | Car:Make, Model or Year | $25.00 | Net Worth |
$2.50 | Homeowner or Renter | $2.50 | Political Party |
$2.50 | Age | $10.00 | Ethnicity |
$10.00 | Telephone Numbers | $20.00 | Business Owner |