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Why should you get a Seniors with 15+ Year Ownership mailing list?


Many seniors start to think about selling whether it’s due to downsizing or needing more assistance. What’s holding them back? They think it’s going to be a lot of work before they can put the house on the market. This is where you come in.

Get a list of senior homeowners and send them a letter or post card spelling out just how easy selling their house can be when they work with you!

Let them know that they don’t have to do a thing but pack up what they want. No replacing that old roof or torn screen, no new paint. What’s better is that it’s likely you are the only one sending mail to these seniors so you won’t be competing with a lot of other Real Estate Investors.

What other criteria can I use to narrow down my Seniors with 15+ Years Ownership List?

  • Seniors age 60-89
  • Owner Occupied (can include Absentee if wanted)
  • 15+ year Ownership
  • Single Family Home
  • Specific Home Market Value
  • Eliminate known Low Equity homes

Additional Selections to Consider

  • Number of Stories
  • Number of Bedrooms
  • Number of Bathrooms
  • Year Home Built

Ready to buy a Seniors with a 15+ Years Ownership List?

Call or email one of our List Experts for free advice: (888) 905-2659 or [email protected] or if you have any issue with us you can contact us from our Contact Us Page. We are always there to help our clients.