Normally, every customer has the option of going through our site to read our contents whenever they need answers to their questions. However, we understand that this sometimes is not just enough.
As optimized as our pages may be, it’s very possible to leave you with unanswered questions. In fact, these questions may stem from reading the content provided on various topics.
One topic in particular customers tends to create a myriad of questions from is skip trace. Skip trace is beyond the surface level knowledge of creating lists and answering the question, “what is skip tracing?”
Some Frequently Asked Questions About Skip Trace Lists
We’ve highlighted the most popular questions about skip trace and what it entails. How many of yours do you think we’ll answer here? Let’s find out:
What information do I need to provide?
Provide us your list in CSV or XLS format – Here is the link you can follow to upload your list and submit other required details:
Follow the link above and you also have the option to select that you got your list from us.
What Is Skip Tracing?
This is the most common question. It is the process of pinpointing the location of an individual.
How Is Skip Trace Carried Out?
This process is done using skiptrace lists presented in CSV or XLS format
What type of data is provided by the results?
You can expect to get info on the numbers, the type of number (landline, wireless), the email addresses that match the info you provided
How Long Should I Wait For Results?
You should expect your results delivered within 24 hours.
Just How Reliable Is The Data Provided?
Expect a top-tier level of results from us. We are focused on delivering the most useful and accurate information in quick time.
How Much Per Order?
We charge at a rate of 8 cents per hit or $25 per minimum order.
What’s ListAbility’s hit rate?
We boast a hit rate of 95%
What’s The Refund Policy Like?
We do not offer refunds. All orders are final
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