The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) recently surveyed readers of the B2C edition of the DMA Marketing Briefs, asking which forms of direct marketing had the best Return on Investment (ROI). Direct Marketing Medium Gives…
The surprise winner by a landslide was direct mail! 48% of these informed readers say that direct marketing still brings in the best ROI for their organization. Postal direct mail marketing-led email by more than 13%. The percentage of people indicating the greatest success for Paid Search didn’t break into double digits.
Perhaps some of the reasons direct mail provides such great results are that it is proactive and highly deliverable.
- Targeted mailing lists allow you to limit the size and scope with specific demographic criteria
- Opportunity to interact with a broad cross-section of your potential market
- High level of confidence that your piece will be delivered and seen by your prospect
ListAbility is a mailing list broker with the expertise and quality data to guide you through the process of obtaining a highly targeted mailing, telemarketing or email list. A better list will pay dividends with the savings you garner in printing and postage – to say nothing of getting noticed by the right people!
That all about Direct Marketing Medium Gives.