Why do I need Business E-mail Lists?

These lists are a huge part of growing your business and marketing your product by reaching out to new customers/consumers. You will be able to market like a professional by accessing a targeted business e-mail list.

  • Growth
  • Sales Booster
  • New Market of Customers

Can I buy a Business Email Address List on this website?

Yes. You can purchase business email address @ www.listabilityonline.com

What are the Categories for Business types and how can I choose from the different options for lists?

The options are endless with over ten million choices available by searching locations, areas, towns, states, and radius in miles around your location or a central address given. Key words are also used for search criteria, SIC codes and demographics.

  • Annual Sales
  • Years in Business
  • Location Type
  • Public Company
  • Presence of a Contact Name
  • Franchise / Not a Franchise
  • Chain / Not a Chain
  • URL
  • Woman Owned
  • Home Office
  • Contact Title (ex. President, Owner, etc.)
  • Only Records with an Email
  • Multiple Contacts per Location

In the business e-mail list what information will be provided?

  • Business Name
  • Business Telephone Number
  • Business Mailing Address
  • SIC Code & Description
  • Demographics if available (ex. URL, Number of Employees, Annual Sales Volume, etc.)
  • Contact Name
  • Contact’s Title
  • Contact’s Email Address

How will I get the business email list…meaning what file format does it come in?

  • Microsoft excel spreadsheet (csv/xls file)

Accuracy Rates:

  • 90%+ business mailing address & demographics.
  • 80%+ contacts e-mail addresses

What can I do after I purchase my list?

After your purchase and you receive your lists, the uses are limitless! Marketing your business is at your fingertips…you may upload the lists into your e-mail program or possibly CRM to start the campaign. You may even forward the lists

to an accredited email service distributor who can send out the emails on your behalf.

Please note: We strongly suggest that you use a verified, accredited third party email service provider to help you release your email marketing campaign. This will ensure optimal results, less bounced emails, and more of your emails hitting your recipients’ inboxes.

Can I use your lists with HubSpot, Constant Contact or Mail-Chimp?

No. Because these companies/Apps. Do not allow third party list distributions.

Remember to check with any third-party e-mail services prior to using ListAbility to make sure they will allow third party lists.

Will personal e-mail accounts with Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo/etc. allow bulk e-mail campaigns?

Please check with your personal e-mail provider/server what their guidelines are prior to purchasing with any questions you may have on bulk e-mails and campaigns. Some personal services allow these others do not.

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Buy Business Email Lists

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