
Voters Mailing List

With a voters mailing list, you can connect with registered voters throughout the United States. Whether you’re trying to gain support for a political campaign or solicit donations for a cause, our mailing lists have the data you need for a successful direct marketing campaign. Get Now Political Mailing Lists below.

What’s included in this mailing list?

Our mailing list includes the names and addresses of registered voters in the United States by political affiliation.

We also enhanced the database to now include voters email addresses, now available at a very nominal fee.

What political affiliations can I choose from?

Using our self-serve list building tool, you can choose from the following options:

  • Democratic Contributor
  • Republican Contributor
  • Unknown
  • Political Contributor (General)

However, we have more detailed information in our database. Contact a List Specialist to obtain all registered voters in these categories:

  • Conservative
  • Green
  • Independent
  • Libertarian
  • Republican
  • Democratic
  • Independence
  • Liberal
  • Non-Declared
  • Reform

Can I target a specific area?

Yes. You can create a list with addresses in all the United States, by zip code, city, county, or state. You can also target a radius around an address.

What other criteria can I use to narrow down my mailing list?

You can use hundreds of demographics to customize your direct marketing campaign. Here are a few examples. If you don’t see what you’re looking for on our self-service list-building tool, contact a List Specialist. We draw from multiple sources and can help you create a list tailored to your needs.

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Ethnicity
  • Religious Affiliation
  • Occupation
  • Homeowner or Renter
  • Presence of Children
  • Length of Residence
  • Household Income
  • Net Worth
  • Interests & Hobbies
  • Voters Email addresses
  • Voters Phone numbers

Who could use a voters mailing list?

The following types of businesses or organizations may find a voters mailing list useful in building and cultivating leads:

  • Civic Organizations
  • Nonprofits
  • Religious Organizations
  • Pollsters
  • Political Campaigns
  • Political Parties
  • Research Organizations

Ready to build your mailing list?

Click the button below to build your own list in minutes!

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