We have two mailing list formats that are readily accessible and easy to use. Be rest assured that your experience with our mailing list will be worthwhile.

  1. Excel / CSV File

Excel format is versatile, easy to use, and download. All you need to do is save it on your computer, and violà! You are good to go!

  1. PDF Mailing Label Format

Like the Excel format, all you need to do is save it on your computer. You could have it in a printed format. Please email us for more information.

Mailing List Formats FAQs

[Q] Is the Excel/CSV format compatible with my printer?

[A] Yes, it is. We have designed it so that it is compatible with all printers at all times.

[Q] Do you charge extra for adding “Or Current Resident” to the PDF format?

[A] No charge exist for adding “Or Current Resident” to the PDF format.

For more info, send us an email or call us on (888) 905-2659.

ListAbility provides quality lists

ListAbility has aligned with the nation’s most comprehensive and accurate data compilers. In brief, they have been collecting, analyzing and compiling data from numerous sources for 40 or more years. Indeed, our clients have benefited from the ability to optimize their marketing budget by targeting their best prospects. Unquestionably, the accuracy is top notch with monthly updates. Most of our mailing lists include the National Change of Address (NCOA)

Furthermore, we have joined forces with some newer compilers. While they might not have all the granularity and choices as our primary vendors, they can include phone and email contact information in addition to the mailing address for your list.

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