Some mails are unsolicited and are painfully annoying. Some are plain straight unnecessary—a relentless pain. This article will show you how to cut down on unwanted marketing emails and unsubscribe from a marketing mailing list.
Opting out from Direct Marketing Association
You can unsubscribe from a marketing mailing list from Direct Marketing Association. You have the option of opting out from all categories of mails or a specific category. All you have to do is contact them. However, they charge a processing fee of $2. To opt-out, go to: https://www.dmachoice.org/index.php
Opting out of Credit Card & Insurance Offers
To opt out of Credit Card and Insurance junk mails, you may have to send a written request to cut down the volume. Innovis, Opt-Out Prescreen, Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax are the four major credit bureaus to contact. For example, you can opt out of Credit Card & Insurance Offers for five years or permanently. Visit https://www.optoutprescreen.com/ for more info.
Contact the company directly
You can contact the company directly and request they cut down on their unwanted mails. This is important, especially if you have exhausted other alternatives and still receive unsolicited emails. To opt out of the Listability mailing list, please email us at [email protected] or call us on (888) 905-2659.
Stop junk mail with PaperKarma
Mobile apps like PaperKarma can unsubscribe you from junk mails. All you need to do is sign up with them with a charging fee of $3.99/month or $24.99/year. They claim they can unsubscribe you from junk mails and unsolicited catalogs. Visit their website for more info: https://www.paperkarma.com/
Opt out of Marketing Mailing List Database
Marketing Mailing Lists companies sell consumers’ contact information for profit to other businesses who want to advertise their products or services. You can contact them and request they remove your name and address from their database. However, it may come at a cost.
Opt out using Catalog Choice
If you receive unsolicited catalogs, there’s a website you can use to search for the company by name and then opt-out of their mailing list. Here’s the link to the website https://www.catalogchoice.org/
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