Contact people who influence their parents’ decision to move to assisted living. Market Directly to Adult Children Of Your Assisted Living Prospects
Is it time for my parents to move out of their house into a safer living environment? How can I spend time with them and provide assistance when they live so far away? Should I relocate them so they are closer to where I live?
These are questions asked by many adults with aging parents. These same adult children have a major influence in the decision making process about when and where their senior parents move. Without question, these are the people that assisted living communities want to talk to.
Now you can market to just the adults in your marketing area who have living elderly parents with the financial resources to move into your assisted living facility.
A direct mail campaign with a targeted mailing list of people in your area who can influence their parents can be one of your most effective tools.
Mailings to these qualified prospects will understandably yield better results than simply peppering the middle aged market.
Imagine the effectiveness of sending your marketing material to adults in your area with elderly parents who are homeowners and have a net worth of $1MM or more.
These are probably the best-assisted living prospecting leads that you can hope
You can even turn this around and send your brochure to seniors all across the country that have family close to your assisted living facility.
ListAbility’s Intergenerational Family Mailing List provides these unique opportunities for marketing to adult children of elderly parents – wherever they live in the US.
ListAbility has the expertise to guide you through the process of obtaining a highly targeted mailing, telemarketing or email list.
A better mail list will pay dividends with the savings you garner with reduced printing and postage – to say nothing of getting noticed by the right people!